Whether it is local, regional, state, national or international, many organisations find that politics has a massive impact on their success.
From building a positive relationship with local Councillors through to lobbying Parliamentarians for changes to legislation, we can help you!
Midas has many associates who have worked in the political world, across all three major political parties as well as many charities and NGOs.
Our training materials have been developed in conjunction with MPs, Lords, MEPs, MSPs, AMs, GLA members, Councillors and Party staff.
Our workshops on political awareness will help participants to understand how to get the right response from politicians, to have an awareness of how different electoral cycles may need you to change your approach or your timing, and to consider your issue from a political point of view. There are many times that both business and charities can immediately become more effective, simply by thinking more politically.
We have run courses in political awareness, advocacy, lobbying and Government affairs for clients both in the UK and around the world.
Contact us today to find out how we can help your organisation succeed.
Topics we may cover in a Political Awareness training course:
- Understanding the political environment
- The importance of advocacy skills and lobbying
- Working with political figures and groups
- How to create and continue a mutually respectful relationship
- Trust builders and breakers in the political arena
- Understanding political culture and motivations
- Changing decisions and influencing opinions
- The role of assertive behaviour when working with politicians
- Clear and effective communication skills
- Defining the message you want to broadcast
- Giving constructive feedback that makes a difference
- What to say when things go wrong
- How to integrate campaigning with your advocacy and lobbying plan
- How to use the media to create political change
- Assessing the landscape – how to judge the political mood and context in your region or country
- The secret of how to work across Party lines
How to plan your course
It’s very helpful for us to know what you feel the focus is for your course – the real priority that has made you come and look for this training. You can help us gain this insight by choosing three priorities for your training course. These may be taken from the topics above – or you may want to include other topics that we haven’t mentioned on this page.
Contact us by email or phone (details below) and we will work with you to design a workshop which will meet your team members’ needs.
Using your ideas we will write and deliver a workshop to your precise requirements, incorporating examples and exercises relevant to your team, your situation and your goals.
The Midas Approach
We tailor the content of every training workshop to best fit the skill level and needs of the participants.
All of our workshops are highly interactive, and give the participants plenty of opportunities to put theories into practice. Our highly experienced trainers will pass on the feedback and tips which will help your staff members succeed.
We are happy to train any number of participants, so whether there are 6, 16 or 60 people that you would like to include in your session, we want to work with you. Do get in touch today, we will be happy to help!
OtherĀ Midas Training courses