All our training draws on the concept of experiential learning. The Midas approach means it is challenging, interactive and enjoyable.
Our workshops are designed to be especially flexible and practical, responding to the needs of the individual participants. Experience has shown that they have a high degree of impact in the workplace.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, our services are currently being delivered by online video conferencing. Our favourite platform for training is Zoom, and for coaching we most frequently use FaceTime, Skype or any other app people feel comfortable using. Once the pandemic restrictions ease, we will be offering some courses as face to face, in person events again. We will be happy to discuss with you what format might best suit your project.
Midas training
We always aim to provide an enjoyable and stimulating learning environment, whether online or in person. Practical use of new skills and information is always at the heart of our training design and delivery.
Our exercises aim to draw on the background knowledge and past experience of all our participants.

We are always mindful of the different learning styles of our participants. For example role play is a very valuable learning tool. Some people learn best by observing a role play, others by playing an active part. We make sure that our participants always have the choice of how they want to participate in any exercise.
We recommend an optimum group size of between 12 to 15 participants for most face to face training. Some intensive single issue workshops may require a smaller group of around 6 participants. Online delivered sessions will vary more in terms of maximum participant numbers. In essence, the more sensitive or difficult the topic, or the more individual feedback you want your participants to receive, the smaller the group is likely to be. We can advise you on what group sizes we recommend as we discuss your training needs with you.
The Midas approach means that we cater for all learning preferences and our participants really enjoy and benefit from their training experience with us.